Holen Sie sich die werbefreie Version des hoch bewerteten WeatherBug App für präzises Wetter!
Download advertisement free WeatherBug®, winner of the 2019 “Best Weather App” by Appy Awards.nnGet the most accurate weather app that provides environmental intelligence for all aspects of people’s lives, free! This live weather app provides the fastest weather alerts, real-time weather conditions, accurate hourly & 10-day forecasts & more.nnExplore 20 weather maps, including Doppler radar, UV index, satellite map, lightning alerts, precipitation, local temperature, wind chill, and more! From heat index to pollen count, WeatherBug gives you everything you need to know. Our weather widgets let you set alerts and information you want to see on your home screen.nnRadar weather apps have never been this easy or convenient. Join WeatherBugs millions of users and Know Before® any weather condition. In the market since 2000, WeatherBug gives you and your family reliable weather data, download now!nnTHE WEATHERBUG ADVANTAGEn• Spark™ Lightning Alerts Get Dangerous Thunderstorm Alerts & prepare for severe weather conditionsn• Professional Weather Network Vast professional grade weather station across the world reporting hyper-local weather conditions in real-timen• Animated Weather Maps 18 weather maps give you options on what weather conditions you seen• International Weather Forecasts Prepare for weather abroad with weather forecasts for over 2.6 million locations worldwidennWEATHER NEWS FOR YOUn• Weather News News alerts and featured videos about local conditions and global eventsn• Weather Data Customization Customize weather data & rearrange weather tiles to your likingn• Weather Forecasts Custom weather forecasts for all your lifestyle activitiesn• Weather Conditions Real-time weather conditions n• Weather Forecasts Reliable & detailed hourly & 10-day forecastsn• Doppler Radar Doppler radar animation for precipitation informationn• Wind Forecast See what wind conditions will be through the daynnWEATHER ALERTSn• Weather Notifications See weather conditions & receive alerts in your notifications arean• Severe Weather Alerts Get severe weather alerts from WeatherBug, NWS & NOAA (USA) NMS (UK and DE) and SMN (MX)nnAIR QUALITY, HEAT & MORE n• Weather Details Get UV Index, heat index, wind speeds, weather observations & moren• Hurricane Track hurricanes from your phonen• Fire Global fire data to know when you are at riskn• Air Quality Get an in-depth look at the air quality around youn• Pollen Count Local & national pollen count & datan• Temperature Check the temperature anywherennWEATHER CUSTOMIZATIONn• Local Weather Radar See local weather conditions, weather map & weather radarn• Weather Widgets Add weather information to your home screen with weather widgetsn• Multi-language Support English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, French & Japanesen• Temperature Units Fahrenheit (°F), Celsius (°C)n• Wind Units MPH, KPH, Knots & MPSn• Pressure Units Inches & millibarsnnRADAR WEATHER MAPSn• Weather Map Explore weather conditions, temperature, pollen levels & more with interactive mapsn• Severe Storm Risk Know when convective weather is expected to hit. Severe storms, hail, tornadosnnCONNECT WITH USn• Like us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/WeatherBugn• Follow us on Twitter @WeatherBugn• Check us out on Instagram @weatherbugn• Watch our YouTube weather channel broadcast https://www.youtube.com/user/WeatherBugVideonnGet real time weather reports so you can Know Before. Download WeatherBug, the best free weather app!nnThis app may include "Interest-Based Ads" (https://www.weatherbug.com/legal/privacy) for more information) and may collect or share "Precise Location Data" (https://www.weatherbug.com/legal/privacy for more information).